Agaric (Dark Spored)
An agaric (/ˈæɡərɪk, əˈɡærɪk/) is a type of mushroom fungus fruiting body characterized by the presence of a pileus (cap) that is clearly differentiated from the stipe (stalk), with lamellae (gills) on the underside of the pileus. "Agaric" can also refer to a basidiomycete species characterized by an agaric-type fruiting body. Archaically agaric meant 'tree-fungus' (after Latin agaricum); however, that changed with the Linnaean interpretation in 1753 when Linnaeus used the generic name Agaricus for gilled mushrooms.
Agaricus augustus (The Prince) Chantry Wood, UK 237 Agaricus campestris (Field Mushroom) Hopkinton, NH Agaricus silvicola (Wood Mushroom) Epping Forest, UK 171 Agaricus xanthodermus (Yellow Stainer) Woodford, UK 398 Conocybe tenera (Common Conecap) Epping Forest, UK147 Coprinellus micaceus (Glistening Inkcap, Mica Inkcap) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 327 Coprinellus micaceus (Glistening Inkcap, Mica Inkcap) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 328 Coprinopsis atramentaria (Common Inkcap, Tipplers Bane) Kinlochleven, Scotland 271 Coprinopsis atramentaria (Common Inkcap, Tipplers Bane) Kinlochleven, Scotland 272 Coprinopsis lagopus var. lagopus (Hare's Foot Inkcap) Hainault Forest UK 391 Coprinus comatus (shaggy ink cap, lawyer's wig or shaggy mane) 084 Coprinus comatus (shaggy ink cap, lawyer's wig or shaggy mane) Broxbourne Wood, UK 074 Coprinus comatus (Shaggy Inkcaps, Lawyers wig, Judges Wig) Hockley Wood, UK 420 Coprinus comatus (Shaggy Inkcaps, Lawyers wig, Judges Wig) Hockley Wood, UK 421 Coprinus comatus Broxbourne Wood, UK 075 Cortinarius allutus Cortinarius allutus Hopkinton, NH Cortinarius brunneus (Webcap) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 341 Cortinarius brunneus (Webcap) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 362 Cortinarius corrugatus Hopkinton, NH Cortinarius iodes (viscid violet cort) Hopkinton, NH 1 Cortinarius iodes (viscid violet cort) Hopkinton, NH 2 Cortinarius iodes (viscid violet cort) Hopkinton, NH 3 Cortinarius iodes (viscid violet cort) Hopkinton, NH 4 Cortinarius iodes (viscid violet cort) Hopkinton, NH 5 Cortinarius iodes Strafford, NH Cortinarius purpurascens (The Bruising Webcap) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 312 Cortinarius sanguineus (Bloodred Webcap) Hainault Forest UK 368 Cortinarius sanguineus (Bloodred Webcap) Hainault Forest UK 369 Cortinarius triumphans (Birch Webcap) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 348 Cortinarius violaceus (Violet Webcap) Hockley Wood, UK 419 Cortinarius violaceus (violet webcap or violet cort) Hopkinton, NH Cortinarius violaceus (violet webcap or violet cort) Hopkinton, NH 1 Gymnopilus junonius (Laughing Gyms) Epping Forest, UK 143 Gymnopilus junonius (Laughing Gyms) Epping Forest, UK 263 Gymnopilus junonius (Laughing Gyms) Epping Forest, UK 265 Gymnopilus junonius (Spectacular Rustgill) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 333 Gymnopolis penetrans (Common Rustgill) Broxbourne Wood, UK 424 Hypholoma fasciculare (Sulphur Tuft) 262 Hypholoma fasciculare (Sulphur Tuft) Broxbourne Wood, UK 054 Hypholoma fasciculare (Sulphur Tuft) Broxbourne Wood, UK 055 Kuehneromyces mutabilis (Sheathed Woodtuft) Hainault Forest, UK 229 Kuehneromyces mutabilis (Sheathed Woodtuft) Hainault Forest, UK 230 Kuehneromyces mutabilis (Sheathed Woodtuft) Hainault Forest, UK 231 Lacrymaria lacrymabunda (Bull.) Pat. Weeping Widow Hopkinton, NH Lacrymaria lacrymabunda (Bull.) Pat. Weeping Widow NH Lacrymaria lacrymabunda (Bull.) Pat. Weeping Widow Yurt lawn, NH Parasola plicatilis (pleted ink cap) Yurt, NH Paxillus involutus (Brown Roll Rim) Chantry Wood, UK 236 Pholiota aurivella (Golden Scaly Cap) Hopkinton, NH Pholiota aurivella (Golden Scalycap) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 335 Pholiota aurivella (Golden Scalycap Mushroom), Hopkinton, NH Pholiota aurivella (Golden Scalycap Mushroom), Hopkinton, NH Pholiota aurivella (Golden Scalycap Mushroom), Hopkinton, NH Pholiota aurivella (Golden Scalycap Mushroom), North Conway,NH Pholiota aurivella (Golden Scalycap Mushroom), North Conway, NH Pholiota aurivella (Slimy Golden Scaly Cap) Hopkinton, NH Pholiota squarrosa (shaggy Pholiota) Hopkinton, NH, Pholiota squarrosa (Shaggy Scalycap) Kinlochleven, Scotland 281 Pholiota squarrosa (Shaggy Scalycap) Kinlochleven, Scotland 282 Pholiota squarrosa, (shaggy scalycap) Hopkinton, NH Psathyrella piluliformis (Common Stump Brittlestem) Epping Forest, UK 301 Tapinella atrotomentosa (Velvet Footed pax) Mount Caridgan, NH Tapinella atrotomentosa (Velvet Roll Rim) Mount Caridgan, NH Tapinella atrotomentosa (Velvet Roll Rim) Mount Caridgan, NH