A common and easy to identify family of mushrooms, the Boletus family is a large genus of mushrooms which until recently was split into a few smaller families, the main three being; Boletus, Leccinum, and Suillus. With the genome of mushrooms now being sequenced the family has been split much more with the scientific names changing regularly, this can lead to confusion with identification so for the purposes of foraging we consider any mushroom with a stem and pores instead of gills a Bolete.
Aureoboletus russellii (Russell's Bolete) Hopkinton, NH Aureoboletus russellii (Russell's Bolete) Hopkinton, NH Aureoboletus russellii (Russell's bolete) Strafford, NH Baorangia bucolor (Bicolor Bolete) Strafford, NH Boletus Baorangia bicolor (Two toned Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 1 Boletus Baorangia bicolor (Two toned Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 2 Boletus Baorangia bicolor (Two toned Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 3 Boletus bicolor Strafford, NH Boletus Bracciano, Italy 442 Boletus edulis (Penny Bun) Broxbourne Wood, UK 056 Boletus edulis (Penny Bun) Broxbourne Wood, UK 067 Boletus edulis (Penny Bun) Broxbourne Wood, UK 068 Boletus edulis (Penny Bun, Cep, Porcini, King Bolete) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 354 Boletus edulis (Penny Bun, Cep, Porcini, King Bolete) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 355 Boletus pruinatus (Matt Bolete) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 345 Boletus sensibilis (Curry Bolete) Hopkinton, NH Boletus sensibilis Boletus subvelutipes Hopkinton, NH Boletus subvelutipes Hopkinton, NH1 Boletus Xerocomellus chrysenteron (Red Cracked Bolete) Broxbourne Wood, UK 198 Butyriboletus frostii (Candy Apple) Hopkington, NH Dicranophora fulva (Golden jack mold) Hopkinton, NH Dicranophora fulva (Golden jack mold) Hopkinton Exsudoporus frostii, (Frost's bolete or apple bolete) Gomphidius glutinosus (Slimy Spike cap) Hillsborough, NH Gomphidius glutinosus (Slimy Spike cap) Hillsborough, NH Gomphidius glutinosus (Slimy Spike cap) Hillsborough, NH Gomphidius glutinosus (Slimy Spike cap) Hillsborough, NH Gyroporus castaneus (Chestnut Bolete) 233 Harrya chromapes (chrome footed bolete) Hopkinton, NH Harrya chromapes (Yellow footed bolete) Hopkinton, NH Harrya chromapes (Yellowfoot Bolete) Hopkinton, NH HUGE Tylopilus rubrobrunneus (Bitter Bolete) Hypomyces chrysospermus (The bolete eater) Chantry Wood, UK 238 Imleria badia (Bay Bolete) Epping Forest, UK 366 Leccinum scabrum (Birch Bolete) Howland, ME 020 Leccinum scabrum (Birch Bolete) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 319 Leccinum scabrum (Birch Bolete) Wormley & Bencroft Wood, UK 320 Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete) Kinlochleven, Scotland 277 Leccinum scabrum Pores (Brown Birch Bolete Pores) Kinlochleven, Scotland 267 Leccinum versipelle (Birch Bolete) Hopkinton, NH Leccinum versipellis (Orange Birch Bolete) Kinlochleven, Scotland 273 Leccinum versipellis (Orange Birch Bolete) Kinlochleven, Scotland 274 Retiboletus ornatipes (Ornate stalked bolete) Hopkinton NH .JPG Retiboletus ornatipes (Ornate stalked bolete) Putney Hill, NH Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Old man of the Woods) Hopkinton, NH 1 Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Old man of the Woods) Hopkinton, NH 2 Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Old man of the Woods) Hopkinton, NH 3 Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Old man of the Woods) Hopkinton, NH 5 Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Young Old Man of the Woods) Hopkinton, NH Suillellus subvelutipes (Red mouth Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 1 Suillellus subvelutipes (Red mouth Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 2 Suillus americanus Quebec Province 031 Suillus luteus (Slippery Jack) 176 Suillus luteus (Slippery Jack) 177 Suillus luteus (Slippery Jack) 179 Suillus placidus Hopkinton, NH Suillus spraguei (Painted Bolete) Hopkinton, NH Suillus spraguei (Painted slippery cap) Hopkinton, NH 1 Suillus spraguei (Painted slippery cap) Hopkinton, NH 3 Syzygites megalocarpus Strafford, NH Tapinella atromentosa (Velvet roll rim) Hopkinton, NH Tylopilus felleus (Bitter Bolete) Andrew Brook Trail, NH Tylopilus felleus (Bitter Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 1 Tylopilus felleus (Bitter Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 2 Tylopilus plumbeoviolaceus (Violet Gray Bolete) Hopkinton, NH Tylopilus rubrobrunneus (Reddish Bitter Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 3 Tylopilus rubrobrunneus (Reddish Bitter Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 4 Tylopilus rubrobrunneus (Reddish Bitter Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 5 Tylopilus rubrobrunneus (Reddish Brown Bitter Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 1 Tylopilus rubrobrunneus (Reddish Brown Bitter Bolete) Hopkinton, NH 2 Tylopilus rubrobrunneus Contoocook, NH Tylopilus rubrobrunneus Hopkinton, NH Tylopilus rubrobrunneus NH Xanthoconium affine (Spotted Bolete) Hopkinton, NH Young Bolete Species unknown