Blue Job & Mount Parker 9/20/09
Central Couloir & The Green Chasm 3/7/09
Damnation Gully 3/22/09
Franconia Ridge Loop 11/22/09
Frankenstein Cliff's 1/11/09
Frankenstein Cliff's 3/13/09
Waterfall & Standard
Frankenstein Cliff's 12/29/09
Chia, Bob's Delight, Lost in the Forest & Standard
Frankenstein Cliff's 12/30/09
Lost in the Forest & Standard
Mount Chocorua & The Three Sisters 7/5/09
Mount Hale & Zealand 8/28/09
Mount Jefferson 12/6/09
Mount Major 9/6/09
Mount Moosilauke 2/8/09
Mount Moosilauke 10/10/09
Mount Moriah 11/29/09
Mount Willard 2/7/09
Mount Willard 2/15/09
Left hand Monkey Wrench & East Face slabs
Mount Willard 12/13/09
Elephant-Head, Hitchcock &The-Cleft
Mount Willard 1/19/09
Gully #1 & Cauliflower Gully
Pinnacle Gully 4/5/09
Square Ledge 10/23/09
Trollville 1/25/09
Duck's Head